DCF Specific Steps are initially submitted to a Connecticut Juvenile Court when files Neglect Petitions or Orders for Temporary Custody. If the child has been removed from a parent’s custody, the Steps set forth what is expected of the parents to regain custody. When I first started practicing, the Steps were actually called “Expectations.”  That…

What are the rights of parents in Connecticut Juvenile Court when DCF files an Order of Temporary Custody or Neglect Petition in Connecticut? At the preliminary hearing date, the judge will determine whether the necessary parties are present and that they have properly served with the documents DCF filed. In addition, the judge will usually…

  A mother who tragically lost her son in 2008 is attempting to pass a law allowing the public greater access to DCF records. Here is a summary: Mother petitions to change laws after son dies by babysitter – WFSB 3 Connecticut The proposal is excessively broad. Not only does it seek information about abusers…

As you might imagine, I hear a lot of Connecticut DCF complaints.   We should remember that DCF’s policy and obligation is protect children in Connecticut. This is a critical goal which is frequently difficult and challenging. Most often, they do an excellent job. But understandably, there are times when their actions leave families disappointed,…

False child abuse allegations leave the alleged perpetrator terrified.  What happens next? When Connecticut DCF investigates allegations of child abuse it falls into of the following categories: Physical abuse – injuries that are clearly non-accidental or situations where the explanation does not match the nature and extent of the child’s injuries. Emotional abuse – includes…

Permanent guardianship is one of several dispositions available when a judge in Connecticut Court finds that a child has been abused or neglected. One of these is to transfer guardianship of the child to a suitable and worthy caretaker. The proposed guardian is usually a relative or an individual who has a significant relationship with…

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