Truckers and trucking companies are required to follow state and federal trucking regulations. These guidelines were established to keep truckers and other motorists safe. As a skilled personal injury attorney, I know that all too often, truckers and trucking companies fail to comply with safety regulations. This negligence places innocent motorists in harm’s way, causing serious injuries and death.
I represent victims who have been injured in an 18 wheeler truck accident in Connecticut, as well as those whose family members have died in truck accidents. I have significant knowledge of trucking laws, the duties of truck drivers and the acts of negligence that can result in truck accidents.
Contact me online or call me in my Stamford office at (203) 356-1475 or in my Fairfield office at (203) 259-5251 to speak with a knowledgeable Connecticut truck injury attorney. I encourage you to call my firm as soon as possible. Do not waste any valuable time. It will be important for me and any experts – such as accident reconstructionists – to investigate the crash site soon after the accident.
Common Causes of Truck Accidents
As your Connecticut truck accident attorney, I have knowledge of the safety measures truckers and trucking companies should be taking. I know the ways in which these safety measures are overlooked – whether in attempts to meet the demands of their employers, in efforts to make more money, or just out of sheer recklessness.
I represent those injured in an 18 wheeler truck accident that were caused by negligence such as:
- Driver fatigue
- Drug and alcohol use
- Illegal maneuver
- Improper truck maintenance
- Negligent hiring practices/incomplete background checks
- Speeding
- Unfamiliarity with roadway
- Other noncompliance with federal and state trucking regulations
Free Initial Consultation With a Connecticut 18 Wheeler Injury Lawyer
If you have been injured in an 18 wheeler truck accident, or if a loved one was killed in a truck accident, turn to the attorney who understands federal and state trucking regulations.
I represent clients throughout Fairfield County including Easton, Fairfield, Monroe, Trumbull, Stratford, Bridgeport, Westport, Weston, New Canaan, Wilton, Norwalk, Darien, Stamford and Greenwich.
Contact me online or call my Fairfield office at (203) 259-5251 or my Stamford office at (203) 356-1475 to discuss your personal injury case.