Grandparents in Connecticut may apply to the Family Court to obtain visitation with their grandchild. For a judge to grant grandparent visitation over a parent’s objection there must be two separate findings: 1. The grandparent must have a relationship with the child that is parent-like; and 2. Denial of the visitation will cause real…

Yes – restraining orders in Connecticut can be extended. In order to do so, the Applicant (the person in need of protection) must file a Motion to Extend before the restraining order expires. But once it lapses, you have to start from scratch and there’s no protection in the interim. So – do not wait…

I have heard some people use the terms “shared custody” and “split custody” interchangeably. However, they are very different custodial arrangements. Shared custody refers to a parenting plan where both parents have equal or at least substantial parenting time with the child(ren). The child(ren) essentially has two homes and spend significant periods at both homes….

I really should say the father was awarded sole custody. Winning is for games. Child custody cases shouldn’t be games. Anyway… A recent Connecticut divorce case highlights the trend that an increasing number of father’s are being awarded sole or, as some say, full custody of their children. In this case, the judge found that…

  Motions for Modification and Motions for Contempt are the two most common post-judgment divorce motions in Connecticut. Motions for Contempt are typically filed to enforce an existing court order. For example, where a parent owes child support or wrongfully withheld visitation. In Connecticut, noncompliance of a valid court order is not enough to have…

A Bill has been raised to establish a presumption of joint or shared custody of minor children and allow a judge to impose sanctions against a parent who knowingly makes a false statement to the court in a custody or visitation proceeding (aka parenting plan). Here it is: As with most proposed Bills, there…

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