Connecticut Educational Neglect Investigations usually starts with the school or other local education agency referring the case to DCF by filing a form 136. The 136 will include the following: Specific dates of unexcused absences The efforts made by the school to address the child’s attendance such as scheduling  conferences with the parents Any referrals…

You might not have seen it coming because you thought DCF was closing their case.  Or maybe you anticipated it because DCF was upset that you didn’t follow their recommendations and now they want you to answer to a judge. Here you are: You have been served with a Connecticut DCF Neglect Petition and summoned…

Connecticut DCF Neglect Investigations usually start with a call to DCF from a mandated reporter such as a doctor, counselor or school personnel.  The most common allegation is Physical Neglect. Physical Neglect is broadly defined as the failure to provide and maintain adequate food. clothing, supervision and safety for a child. Here are some examples…

I recently saw an interesting article in New York Times regarding child abuse and neglect. While the article does not focus on DCF Investigations in Connecticut it’s still worth a read. The New Child Abuse Panic – The New York Times  

A DCF Connecticut Order of Temporary Custody (OTC) will be applied for when DCF believes that the child is serious danger and therefore the child should be immediately removed for their parents. Here are the different stages of a DCF Connecticut Order of Temporary Custody case: 1. Ex parte. DCF presents a judge with Affidavits…

What are DCF Safety Plans in Connecticut also known as Service Agreements? Simply put, it is a written agreement between DCF and a parent made during an Investigation. The DCF Social Worker will usually tell the parent or guardian to sign or they will be charged with Neglect or Abuse and summoned to Juvenile Court….

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