Once you are placed on the DCF Central Abuse and Neglect Registry you are there indefinitely. But here is some good news. For those who have been placed on the Registry for over two (2) years they are able to apply for an Administrative Hearing to have DCF remove their name. The burden is on…

A Connecticut DCF Education Professional Investigation will be handled differently in Connecticut.  In the past, the Investigations were handled just as any other DCF referral.  But effective immediately, Investigations involving schools and school personnel will handled more swiftly and subject to higher scrunity. DCF has now created two Investigative Units specifically for school-based investigations. Apparently,…

A DCF Internal Review is the first step in a DCF Appeal.  If an individual accused of abuse or neglect disagrees with a DCF Substantiation finding or placement on the DCF Central Registry they must request a DCF Internal Review within 30 days of receiving the Notification of Investigation Results.  I imagine that since you…

DCF License Hearings are DCF Administrative Hearings where a child care facility such as a foster home, adoptive home, group home has the opportunity to appeal DCF’s decision to deny an application to become licensed.  A License Hearing also includes a challenge to limit, suspend, revoke or refusal to renew a license. A request for a…

Connecticut DCF Neglect Investigations usually start with a call to DCF from a mandated reporter such as a doctor, counselor or school personnel.  The most common allegation is Physical Neglect. Physical Neglect is broadly defined as the failure to provide and maintain adequate food. clothing, supervision and safety for a child. Here are some examples…

DCF Substantiation issues?  Read this below for some useful information. There are three possible results when Connecticut DCF completes an Investigation of abuse or neglect. They can do the following: 1. Unsubstantiate the allegations (i.e. not enough evidence to support abuse or neglect); 2. Substantiate the allegations but not recommend Central Registry placement; 3. Substantiate…

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