Having a productive initial consultation with a Connecticut divorce lawyer is an important first step.

Here are some suggestions to make that meeting efficient:

The marriage. Why are you seeking a divorce? Is there hope of reconciliation? What was the cause of the breakdown of the marriage? Are you sure that divorce is inevitable?

The background. Have certain information available such as the date and place of marriage, address where your spouse can be served with papers, full names and birthdates of children (you would be surprised) and information (if applicable) about whether the State of Connecticut provided assistance to a member of the family.

The financial picture. Be prepared to have a pretty good handle on the value of assets such as homes and retirement plans, current balances in bank accounts, stock portfolio figures and the like. Also, be able to provide details about the assets you came into the marriage with including the date of acquisition and the value when acquired.

On the flip side, have the facts concerning debts and liabilities such as credit cards, mortgages etc.

The other documents. Is there a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement? Other lawsuits pending such as personal case or an estate in Probate Court? Are there judgments, liens or garnishments?

The objectives. Prioritize what you hope to achieve in the divorce. For some, its get out as soon as possible. For others, it’s about child custody. Still others are primarily concerned about getting the house or keeping their nest egg.



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