Former Connecticut Supreme Court Justice Joette Katz has been nominated by Gov. Dannel Malloy as the Commissioner of the Department of Children and Families (DCF). Since her nomination, Katz has spent considerable time meeting with DCF employees in an effort to gain additional insight into the agency. Although her nomination has not yet been officially…

Informative article in the NY Daily News on January 8, 2011. The article suggests that rather than leaving a pet in their will that the pet owner should create a pet trust and name the trust as a beneficiary of the life insurance policy. Connecticut recently enacted a statute authorizing the creation of trusts for…

In today’s society – thanks to the prevalence of primetime TV dramas and tabloid blogs – it is not unlikely for someone to think that successful relationships are impossible to achieve and that divorce may be imminent in every marriage. But not everything you see on TV or read online is always true. The Huffington…

After receiving over 18 inches of snow the past two days, many Fairfield County residents are probably piling on extra clothing layers and plugging in space heaters in an effort to stay warm during the inclement winter weather. Along with the danger of trying to stay warm by using propane, kerosene or space heaters comes…

The holidays can be an stressful time of the year for everyone: rushing to get “just the right” gifts, hosting houses full of relatives and remembering loved ones who are no longer a part of the celebrations. While a fun time of the year, emotions often run high. And emotions often run even higher for…

Child Custody in Connecticut is one of the most hotly contested issues in Family Court.  A judge has the authority to decide that the child live primarily with the mother or with the father based on what is determined to be in the “best interest of the child.” Here are a few practical tips involving…

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