How is alimony or child support determined if a spouse going through a divorce or modification of support is unemployed or underemployed? A judge may set support orders based on “earning capacity.” Earning capacity has been defined the Connecticut Appellate Court as “an amount which a person can realistically be expected to earn considering such…

The Connecticut Child Support Center will extend their hours on Thursdays from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Extending the hours is an effort by the State to accommodate parents of working families many of whom find it difficult to call during regular business hours. Read the Press advisory here:  

  How are inheritances handled in a Connecticut divorce? Connecticut is an “equitable distribution” state. Actually, to be more precise, Connecticut is an “all property equitable distribution” state. This means that all property of both spouses, regardless of when the property was acquired or how the property was acquired, may be distributed by the divorce…

The Connecticut Premarital Act, Connecticut General Statutes Section 46b-36g, requires that parties to a prenuptial agreement provide fair and reasonable disclosure of the amount, character, and value of the property, financial obligations and income to the other party. Note – this duty to inform exists regardless as to whether the other party has requested the…

A Connecticut divorce court has the authority to divide the personal property (i.e. cars, home furnishings, clothing etc.) of the spouses. Notwithstanding, judges prefer not to have to decide issues of personal property since it becomes a tedious and time consuming process. Unless the personal property in dispute has significant economic (antiques, jewelry, stamp collection)…

Because he wants to talk. Apparently there is a prenuptial agreement that does more than just divide property and settle support. The prenup also contains a confidentiality clause which prohibits Kim and Kris from discussing publicly the details of their “marriage.” Kim wants to make it simple. She wants a divorce. After all, it was…

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