Ideally, there wouldn’t be any conflict between parents – especially in the presence of the children. Unfortunately, sometimes hostility does exist and as a result the exchange of children is problematic.

In drafting a Parenting Plan, the logistics of pick-ups and drop-offs is a consideration. If parents are able to “co-parent” effectively – fantastic. They work out the details of the transition.

Otherwise, here are a few suggestions on handling hostile child exchanges:

1. Pick ups and drops at school or daycare.

2. Child is waiting or dropped off curbside or at the end of the driveway – parents stay in the car and the residence.

3. Have a third party present wherever the switch occurs.

4. Exchange at a supervised center but downside is cost.

5. Meet at the local police station. I am not a big fan of this one unless truly necessary based on a significant history of violence.

Hopefully, tension can be reduced over time and the child can simply be exchanged without much flare. Eventually, perhaps the parents can even say hello or at least wave.

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