Email is a great tool to communicate with your ex – but only if used effectively.

Here’s how:

1. Tone. Be polite and courteous even if it pains you. No sarcasm, threats or name calling. And if you are really agitated then take some before you respond.

2. Facts. Keep it business like and stick to the subject. Assume a judge will read it – they just might.

3. KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Identify the issue and make a suggestion. Invite them to make a suggestion of their own. Two to four sentences should do it. Hit send.

4. Minimize. Keep the number of emails to a minimum. Fewer emails keep things calm. Emails flying all over hell tend to make people anxious. You know that person who emails obsessively? Don’t let it be you.

5. Respond. There should be an agreement as to how often email will be checked. Some people check all day – others not so much. Reach an understanding that all emails will be responded to within a specified period 24 hours – 48 hours seems reasonable.

6. Backup. Sure – email can be the primary method of communication but not the only one. Have an alternative way to get in touch in case of an emergency or for other time sensitive matters. Try text, cell phone or the good ole’ fashioned land line.


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