A Parenting Plan in Connecticut is a document that sets forth the parent’s rights and responsibilities concerning their child.

Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 46-56a(d), a Parenting Plan should address the following:

1. A schedule of physical residence for the child;

2. Provisions allocating decision-making authority to one or both parents regarding the child’s health, education and religious upbringing;

3. Provisions for the resolution of the future disputes between the parents, including where appropriate, the involvement of a mental health professional or other parties to assist the parents in reaching developmentally appropriate resolution to such disputes;

4. Provisions for dealing with the parent’s failure to honor their responsibilities under the Plan;

5. Provisions for dealing with the child’s changing needs as the child grows and matures; and

6. Provisions for minimizing the child’s exposure to harmful parental conflict, encouraging the parents in appropriate circumstances to meet their responsibilities through agreements and protecting the best interests of the child.

So here is a summary:

#1 and #2 address custody and visitation.

#3 and #4 deal with how to handle disagreements and noncompliance with the Plan.

#5 and #6 are designed to help a child adjust and insulate them from disputes between the parents.

A few points:

The Parenting Plan must always be submitted to a court for approval by a judge. The judge usally approves the Plan although there are some instances where the judge may seek clarification to avoid future misunderstandings between the parents.

A Parenting Plan is a more comprehensive version of a custody and visitation agreement. As such, it can be modified in the same manner as other custody and visitation orders.

Please contact me to discuss your Parenting Plan in Connecticut.

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