Here are a few thoughts about dealing with insurance adjusters in Connecticut if you have a personal injury case:

1. Get everything in writing. During your first phone call you should ask for the following information to be put in writing: the claim number, the insurance policy number, confirmation that the policy was in effect on the day of the accident, details regarding what coverage is available and the policy limits of the party they insure. If a settlement offer is made get the offer in writing.

2. Be careful of making statements. The insurance adjusters are essentially investigators that work for the insurance company. Their job is to make you go away for as little money as possible. They are trained at asking questions which may appear to be insignificant but which may ultimately hurt your case. Less is more when speaking with an adjuster.

3. Do not agree to be tape recorded. The adjuster’s motive is to get you to make recorded statements which they can use to reduce or deny your claim. There is absolutely no advantage to providing a recorded statement. Never do this.

4. Do not sign medical releases. The insurance company will often provide a general release which is not limited to the accident. They will attempt to get more information than they are entitled to. Therefore, you are better served by providing the information relating to the accident directly to them. Keep copies for your records.

5. The small check trick. Adjusters often offer you some money (usually a small fraction of the true value of the case) in exchange for you signing a document releasing all claims against their insured. They rely on you grabbing whatever money is available right now hoping that you will not hold out for what the case is really worth. Be careful. Once you sign the release, it is over. You cannot come back for more money when you realize that your injuries have not fully healed or you have missed more time from work.

6. The “you don’t need a lawyer trick.” The biggest red flag of all. “Don’t get a lawyer – you can keep the whole settlement yourself.” Sure – you can keep the whole amount but the amount they will offer is about 20% of what the case is worth. Retaining a lawyer (even after the legal fees) will likely net you far more than accepting their offer.

Please contact me to discuss issues with dealing with insurance adjusters in Connecticut.


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