Here are few tips on how to avoid being the victim of road rage:

1. Always be polite and courteous. I know it is not easy. But if you follow this one tip you will significantly decrease the chance that you will be involved in a road rage accident.

2. Do not retaliate. Again – easier said than done. Who isn’t tempted to give an annoying driver a one-finger salute on occasion? Avoid it. Matters will only escalate.

3. Avoid eye contact with the other driver. It will be perceived as a challenge. Once you lock eyes its game on.

4. Do not underestimate how #$%*’ing crazy other drivers can be! You have no idea who that other person behind the wheel is or what they are capable of.

5. If a raged up driver follows you, drive to the nearest police station or use your cell phone to call law enforcement. Do not pull over in an attempt to rationalize with the lunatic.

A driver who causes an automobile accident in Connecticut because of road rage may be more than negligent – they could be considered reckless. If found to be reckless, there are hefty consequences. For example, in addition to compensatory damages, the raged driver could be ordered to pay double or even triple damages.

Be smart and be safe out there.

Please contact me if you have been the victim of a road rage car accident in Connecticut.

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