Most divorce lawyers In Connecticut agree that there is a significant increase in the number of men receiving alimony.

A recent article from the Connecticut Law Tribune highlights some of the reasons why:

Here are a few points:

1. Women are earning more money and in many families are the “bread winners”

2. Historically, husbands would decline alimony in situations where the wife was the “earning” spouse. Men are not nearly as proud these days. There is a growing acceptance of alimony being a gender-neutral concept.

3. The playing field has also leveled in custody cases where more and more fathers are awarded custody or otherwise playing a very active role in the life of their child.

4. Increase in the number of engaged women requesting prenuptial agreements. It is used to be that the boyfriend wanted the prenuptial. Especially in second marriages, more women seek the protection of a prenuptial agreement.


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