Here’s a list I wish I could give clients before they consult me:

1. Do gather financial records. Important financial records such as tax returns, pay stubs, statements from all bank accounts (including credit cards) and retirement accounts such as 401k’s and pensions should be gathered and made available to the attorney early in the process.

2. Do maintain a journal. It should consist of events you believe are significant. Your lawyer can sort out what’s relevant and what’s not.

3. Do not involve the children in any part of the process. Never. Ever.

4. Do not use social media (Twitter, facebook, Myspace) to bash your spouse assuming it cannot be used against you.

5. Do not use joint accounts to spend money foolishly. And never hide money. If you do and you’re caught, it will be presumed there’s more unaccounted for. As a result, you won’t like the financial orders which will be imposed upon you.

6. Do not get advice from non-lawyers about the divorce process. Friends and family are always a welcome emotional support during a difficult time. However, relying on them for guidance may prove costly.

7. Do keep your private life…well private. Bringing the new companion around the children is a no-no. You may have moved on but your children haven’t. And if there no children – don’t move in with the flame or otherwise exacerbate the situation by flaunting the replacement.

8. Do understand your monthly expenses. Inevitably, there will be less money to meet your needs; not more. Prioritize your expenses and budget accordingly. Project what your lifestyle will look like post-divorce.

These are just few that come to mind.

Please contact me if you have questions about preparing for a Connecticut divorce.



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