Just read a great article setting forth a list of “rules” of how children of divorced parents want to be treated and how they expect their parents to behave. The list was complied by a group of children ages 10 – 12 when they were asked to create a set of rules that they wish their parents would follow to ease post divorce stress.

A few of on the list such as “Don’t say bad things about the other parent”, “Don’t make me feel bad for loving the other parent”, and “Don’t make me choose sides”, are examples of how even young children detect forms of parental alienation.

Two statements on the list touch on domestic violence: “No fighting in front of us”, and “Don’t take your anger out on me.”

The one I like I best is: “Keep us out of the adult stuff.” That statement alone encompasses many of the others on the wish list. Let kids be kids. Allow them to enjoy their childhood and insulate them from the court proceedings and adult nonsense.

Parents and attorneys should keep these principles in mind when crafting Parenting Plans.

Here is the article:

Kara Bishop: If Your Kids Could Make the Rules of Divorce


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